METRO MANILA, October 7, 2021 -- It was a pawsome time for pet lovers as they gathered for the second general meeting of the Pet Lovers Club, now called "Petty Boop," after the majority agreed on it as the official club name of Empire East's community for animal enthusiasts.
'Petty Boop' was a clever choice for the team as it focuses on the well-being of each member's pets and furry friends.
With more than 20 attendees, the team elected Maria Iesa Testa of the OP (Office of the President) Department as the Space Moderator-- assigned to organize meetings and activities for the team, and Aryan Isidoro from the PAO (Project Accounting Operations) Department as the Deputy Moderator. She will be assisting in initiating the team's activities.
"Since this social space is meant to be a safe space for everyone, I want this group to serve as a breather for us, where we can destress through our shared interest, which is our pets," Maria Iesa uttered.
Part of the team's plans is to conduct a pocket Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program for the animal shelters within Metro Manila and invite speakers from various animal support groups for a webinar they're planning to organize.
"It's amazing how everyone is willing to participate in the activity even though it's still starting. I'm looking forward to how our connections with each other progress as the months pass," she adds.
Petty Boop is only one of the few Social Spaces organized by Empire East to establish meaningful connections among employees through their shared interests and hobbies. Part of its objective is to unite employees into achieving community-centered goals like voluntary pocket CSR initiatives, which is also part of the company's mission.
"We hope that Social Spaces will encourage a happy exchange of ideas and camaraderie that will eventually lead to volunteerism so we can also share our gifts and make meaningful impacts to our local community," says Empire East President and CEO Atty. Anthony Charlemagne C. Yu.