2020 truly has been a whirlwind of events. Every month had a tragedy to present, and as much as we were all just trying to survive and get through, it can’t help but feel hopeless, especially now as the year is coming to a close.
We have had a volcanic eruption, some of the strongest typhoons, all the while battling COVID-19. Our healthcare workers have even called for a timeout in the middle of this because of extreme exhaustion. But somehow, amidst all of this tragedy, there is hope found in our communities. Multiple campaigns were applauding our healthcare workers; daily videos were coming in to boost their morale. Numerous donations came in to keep them fed and equipped for the battle so that they know that as much as we are stuck in our homes, we care and that we are here.
And when Typhoon Ulysses hit, it was like Ondoy all over again for the citizens of Marikina, and multiple areas were flooded. It’s one thing to experience tragedy as you watch it for yourself or through updates on social media but the outpour of help and relief operations independently organized by multiple people and organization reminds us that we have something to give for as long as we have each other.
When calls in the night were signaled about Cagayan experiencing massive flooding and that it was sinking, the power of the people shone through to give hope. In social media, people made calls for rescue operations, to redirect these calls themselves to the proper authorities, independently crowd-sourced information sheets were made and passed around so that everyone, to the best of their abilities, can be saved; this is how we care and this is how we can give the most. We are each other’s hope and that there is a future for us in it.
There are two sayings that come to mind, Rome was not built in a day, and It takes a village. Both phrases denote that together we can build and nourish each other; to give our time and effort in any way, no act is too big or too small to give generously. Because we care is why we still stand.
But the call to give generously shouldn’t only be when tragedy strikes but should be anytime that we can.
Through the Empire East Cares campaign, Empire East is actively involved in giving back to the community no matter how near or far. The campaign has done 37 CSR (corporate social responsibility) operations so far and promises to continue to give generously for the years to come. The programs come in a variety that support advocacies.
Advocating for literacy and education, fixing classrooms and giving out educational supplies and uniforms were given to far out places in order to support the children’s education better. Advocating for sustainability and taking care of the environment, there have been several reforestation and planting programs. As for connecting with the community, plenty of feeding programs and outreach programs for the elderly and orphaned children to provide them their basic necessities.
All done out of the support and care of Empire East Land Holdings Inc. and its employees in active participation in taking care of the community. But truly, as they say, no good thing remains unrecognized. This year, Empire East Cares was awarded GOLD in the recent People's Choice PANATA Awards. An award that is looked back on fondly by the company and employees as a reminder to always give generously.